On Monday, February 12, 2013, the Ontario Soil & Crop Association (OSCIA) engaged Open Systems Group to design, develop and deploy a browser-based application on the domain, ontarioprograms.net, on behalf of the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food (OMAF). The browser-based application, ontarioprograms.net, supports the Growing Forward 2 stewardship program that the OSCIA proctors on behalf of the ministry. The Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association is non government organization that oversees provincial stewardship grants on behalf of provincial government. The browser-based application serves over ten thoCANnd 10,000 food producers, processors, and co-operative organizations, allowing the entire agricultural community to submit applications for cost-share incentives.
Visit the site: ontarioprograms.net
Read the press release from Ontario Premier, Kathleen Wynne: Growing More Local Food Opportunities, Ontario Government Launches New Local Food Fund
Visit the page on OMAF's web site that includes a URL link to the browser-based application: www.omafra.gov.on.ca